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Date : 2010-09-28
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Donkeys Hobby Farms ~ Donkeys 6 Tips on Barn Ventilation to Protect Livestock in Winter November 11 2019 Subscribe for the latest news Hobby Farms digital editionmagazine etc We use cookies to help personalize content tailor and measure ads and provide a safer experience By navigating the site you agree to the use of cookies to collect information
Donkeys Hobby Farms Anita Gallion 9781933958958 ~ About the Author Anita Gallion operates Coyote Lane Farm in west central Illinois where she breeds and sells American Donkey and Mule SocietyADMSregistered Mammoth Jackstock donkeys She is an awardwinning breeder and is well known throughout the donkey community
Miniature Donkeys Hobby Farms ~ Conformation Miniature Donkeys range in size from 25 inches the smallest on record to 36 inches at the withers They weight from 200 to 350 pounds at maturity Like all donkeys they have long ears a coarse and upright mane no forelock and a tail covered with short hair and a tassel at the end
Donkeys Hobby Farm WisdomHobby Farm Wisdom ~ If you are looking to use donkeys on your hobby farm as protectors it is best to raise the donkeys with the group they will be protecting Donkeys are territorial animals – not necessarily of their herd so much as their territory and themselves Donkeys are great for people looking for an alternative to aggressive or big guard dogs
Donkeys and Mules Hobby Farms ~ The Popular Farming Series Donkeys Mules has everything you need to know to start raising donkeys and mules or to embark on a new adventure with your equine companion With beautiful photos and indepth articles Donkeys Mules is a must for any equine enthusiast’s or small farmer’s library
Donkeys Page 3 of 3 Hobby Farms ~ Donkey’s Milk June 11 2012 I’ve been thinking about the many things I’ve blogged about and I haven’t talked much about donkeys Oh I blogged about donkeys as livestock guardians but not about everyday donkey stuff or the wild and wacky things Mom learned about donkeys when writing The Donkey Companion Storey Publishing 2008
Miniature Donkeys For Sale in New YorkHobby Farm Wisdom ~ Youve found the “New York Miniature Donkey Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom If this is the first time you have visited our site Welcome You are currently viewing the largest directory of small farm animal breeders on the entire internet We have over 1000 different breeds of small animal livestock game fowl and exotic pets
Mules Donkeys For Sale in New YorkHobby Farm Wisdom ~ Youve found the “New York Mule Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom If this is the first time you have visited our site Welcome You are currently viewing the largest directory of small farm animal breeders on the entire internet We have over 1000 different breeds of small animal livestock game fowl and exotic pets listed here
Protect Your Flock With Guard Donkeys Hobby Farms ~ Protect Your Flock With Guard Donkeys Kick up herd protection on your hobby farm with a guard donkey 0 SharesPHOTO iStockThinkstock by Heidi Strawn February 18 2009 Coyotes and dogs had been a major problem at the University of Rhode Island’s Peckham Farm home to a prizewinning flock of Dorset sheep Then the university bought
Modern Farmers Guide to Guard Donkeys Modern Farmer ~ Although not very popular with larger commercial farms Dohner says donkeys are a good alternative for hobby farms or those who operate their business out of their farm “For people who aren’t comfortable with big aggressive guard dogs donkeys are a good option they offer more protection against predators than llamas and are better with visitors or customers than dogs”
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