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Date : 2007-06-05
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Legend of the Sleeping Bear Michigan State University ~ the legend of the sleeping bear Long ago a great famine had spread over the land Longingly a mother bear and two famished cubs walked the shore on the Wisconsin side gazing wistfully across the great lake at Michigan which in those days was the land of plenty as it is today
The Legend of the Sleeping Bear – ~ The Legend of the Sleeping Bear the legend of sleeping bear by Maureen Years and years ago in the great forest that covered the place that is now named Wisconsin lived Mishe Mokwa Mother Bear and her two cubs
The Legend of Sleeping Bear KathyJo Wargin Gijsbert Van ~ From the Inside Flap It is believed that the Ojibwe of Michigan were the first to tell the story of Sleeping Bear and her cubs a legend that has since become known as The Legend of Sleeping Bear The tale originated as a way to explain the sandy area that we know today as the Sleeping Bear Dune
Stories Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore US ~ The Legend of Sleeping Bear Long ago along the Wisconsin shoreline a mother bear and her two cubs were driven into Lake Michigan by a raging forest fire The bears swam for many hours but eventually the cubs tired and lagged behind Mother bear reached the shore and climbed to the top of a high bluff to watch and wait for her cubs
The Legend of Sleeping Bear by Kathyjo Wargin Gijsbert ~ And the story of what happens once Mother Bear reaches the far shore becomes the legend behind the natural wonder known as Sleeping Bear Dune In 1998 writer Kathyjo Wargin and nature artist Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen combined their talents to bring The Legend of Sleeping Bear to life
Sleeping Bear The Legend Anne Margaret Lewis Sarah ~ Magnificent illustrations from a combination of wood burning staining and painting beautifully showcase this Native American legend of the greatest story of a mothers love ever told Leelanau Books Leland MI Anne Margaret Lewis has delivered an emotionally charged version of the legend of the Sleeping Bear Dunes on Lake Michigan
The Legend of Sleeping Bear Sleeping Bear Press ~ And the story of what happens once Mother Bear reaches the far shore becomes the legend behind the natural wonder known as Sleeping Bear Dune In 1998 writer Kathyjo Wargin and nature artist Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen combined their talents to bring The Legend of Sleeping Bear to life
The Sleeping Giant An Ojibwa Legend ~ The Sleeping Giant An Ojibwa Legend Standing on the shores of the City of Thunder Bay one can look across the waters and see a great formation of land known as the Sleeping Giant Mystery and legend surround this strange phenomenon of nature A great tribe of Ojibways lived outside Thunder Bay on Isle Royale
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